Recent articles on hiring, talent management and leadership: November 2011

Skilled help wanted

Stephanie Klein, President and CEO ofExperience Factor, is a regular columnist for the Denver Business Journal. Her column looks at one of the biggest challenges our struggling market faces today: a pervasive skills mismatch between available jobs and the unemployed seeking to fill them. >> Keep reading… 

Perfectionist? Get real.

Are you holding your job applicants to an impossible standard? Is your acceptable criteria so detailed it includes their approximate height and choice of business card stock? Do you also iron your socks? If so, it might be time to reconsider how your possibly unrealistic standards are hindering your search for the “perfect” employee. >> Read more… 

Don’t overlook the next Bill Gates

It’s no surprise that many candidates who look great on paper don’t deliver in the real world. But how do you root out the diamond in the rough? Check out these tips for spotting exceptional talent, and throw your preconceived expectations out the window. >> See the tips… 

Movin’ on up

After a promotion, one of the challenges is shifting gears from a peer to a boss. This can be particularly difficult when you’re good friends with your new employees/former peers. Take a look at this Harvard Business Review piece on handling the elephant in the room. >> Read on… 

Searching for a 10? Sorry – it doesn’t exist!

There’s been a lot of talk lately about companies not finding the talent they need. In this WSJ piece, the author puts forth a thoughtful thesis that hinges on companies rethinking what they “need” and considering on-the-job training and practice to develop, rather than find, a perfect 10. >> Check it out… 

Watch: Staffing with style

Have you ever thought about using social media as a way to engage your workers and network for new recruits? If you haven’t, it might be worth considering, especially as a way to draw talented Gen Y-ers into the fold. >> See the clip…