Experience Factor has helped hundreds of companies hire thousands of candidates.  We’ve learned many lessons along the way and understand how detrimental it can be to make simple mistakes during the hiring process. 

Here are the top 10 mistakes we help our clients avoid:   

1. Not creating and posting job descriptions that are “candidate focused.” Most job descriptions wrongly focus on the employer, not the candidate. It is far more compelling to highlight the accomplishments expected of the candidate, the exciting work they will do, and where they will fit into the team

2. Not creating a hiring matrix that identifies the key attributes necessary for success and using it consistently with all candidates – this guards against ‘gut feel’ hires

3. Not preparing and/or following an objective hiring process; winging it as candidates become available

4. Not creating, or consistently using interview questions that uncover the candidates’ skills, interest, and motivation to do the work

5. Not consistently checking in with the ideal candidate during the entire hiring process to gauge their interest in moving forward

6. Not moving a candidate through the interview process in a timely fashion. Delays or an absence of communication will cause your candidates to make up stories assuming they are being rejected

7. Not discussing ideal/budgeting compensation range until the 11th hour

8. Not clarifying bonus, benefits and PTO – These vary so widely with each company but can add significant overall compensation to your candidate’s bottom line

9. Not checking references

10. Not vetting the candidate throughout the entire process to ensure that if all terms are met, and an offer is made, that it will be accepted

We know you want to hire the best talent.  The problem is that hiring is hard; it takes a lot of time and energy and, even after hours of hard work, you can still end up with the wrong candidate.  If you don’t make the right decision, the wrong hire can cost you even more money, frustrate your current team, and hurt your internal reputation.


Hiring is hard.  We make it easier. Give us a call at 303-300-6976 to schedule a strategic conversation to discuss your specific hiring challenge.


Or submit a Recruiting Request here!