How Much Untapped Potential is in Your Staff?

A recent study showed that only a third of all workers feel fully engaged at their jobs. Here are tips on how to focus on energy, innovation and creativity in ways that make your employees feel more fulfilled – and encourage them to reach their full potential at your company. READ

The Art of Getting Organized

You don’t get paid to do things for your company. You get paid to decide how to do them in a smart way, says Gina Trapani, a founding editor of Trippi offers sound advice on organizing your workload, and says you will actually feel less busy if you know what is due when. READ

Tackling Workplace Drama Head-on

Office conflicts can be silly on TV. In real life, they make your staff miserable and waste hours of your time. Jennifer Lawler explains how mediating a conflict between two staff members is like ripping off a bandage – painful at first, but something that will make things better in the long run. READ

A Litmus Test for New Business

Been thinking about that side business you dream of starting? Daydreaming about the product you’ve been wanting to launch? Forbes offers a rigorous but fun checklist to help you decide whether your big idea would be a money maker or a flop.  READ

Get the Salary You Deserve from Your New Position

Sure, the economy has seen better days. But that doesn’t mean job hunters should snap up the first offer from the company that wants to hire them. Here’s five tips from the Wall Street Journal on how to negotiate a good compensation package. (And if you’re the one doing the hiring, knowing what tactics a candidate might use can’t hurt, either.)  READ

Welcome Back, Right Brain

The way we communicate our ideas in the workplace is shifting to become less rigid. Liz Ryan on how PowerPoint and spreadsheets are on the wane and emotion, context and meaning are making a comeback at the office.  READ

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